For a moment there was a sense of doubt because our ministry was new and small. It was also known that the banks would not want to give a loan to a ministry of our size for that location. However, God did not allow us to start on this journey to be defeated. Elder Mack would not give into the signs of resistance, he would not let the devil cause him to give up on God’s plan, for God wanted Believers Fellowship Ministry to be victorious. Pastor, asked the congregation to fast and pray because they were going to see about a loan from the bank anyway, and on April 3, 2018, the church was purchased and secured for Believers Fellowship Ministry. Our fist cleanup date was the very next day. Much work needed to be done, but our brothers and sisters from other churches came together to lend support of us cleaning our new home. We were able to have our first service that Sunday, April 8, 2018. Months before we moved Pastor preached a sermon titled ‘It’s Time to Testify’ so today it is our time to testify, we are telling you about the goodness of Jesus, and what he has done for Believers Fellowship Ministry’s in such short period of time. We went from worshiping in a hotel to owning our own edifice in 9 months. Our theme comes from Acts 2:44 And all that believed were together and had all things in common.
Elder Vernon Mack knew that God had it in his plan to become a pastor one day, but he did not know how or when. It was not until after the death of our beloved Bishop Colie Lorick Jr, that he heeded to God’s calling of becoming a Pastor. He consulted with Bishop Fred Graham and Bishop Freddy Solomon, and after much prayer, he and his wife First Lady Nicole Mack founded the Believers Fellowship Ministry. The first Bible study was held on Thursday, July 13, 2017, in their home, and on July 16, 2017, our first Sunday service was held at the Holiday Inn Express at 120 Creech Rd in Blythewood S.C. The sermon was titled ‘This is the Beginning’ and this truly was the beginning because Pastor had no idea how long we would be there or where we would be going, but he was trusting in the Lord. The room was filled with worshipers for our first service, but for the 8 months thereafter, there would be Sundays where we would only have a handful. I know that all of us were praying to God to keep our pastor encouraged, for the race is not given to the swift, nor the strong but to those that endure until the end.
Around the beginning of 2018 Elder Mack decided that it was time to start looking for a place outside of the hotel to have our worship services. He asked if anyone knew of a building available to rent. Pastor stated that he wanted us to be somewhere nice, comfortable, and of course safe. Later he would announce that they were going to look at building on Hampton Street that someone had told him about, but when he inquired about the building it was stated that it was for sale not to rent.